Saturday, November 16, 2013

Clark County Children's Choir

Bryce participated in his first concert with the Clark County Children's Choir!  This choir is AMAZING!  It's a non-profit organization where the children only practice one hour a week but produce some amazing music.  The older children are very impressive. 

Clark County Children's Choir

The concert theme was Americana - A Celebration of America in Music and Song.  Here are a few videos of Bryce.  The videos aren't the best quality but hopefully you can see a little bit of the show.  The first graders are the youngest children participating in the concert. 

Here are young children singing Rocky Mountain.

This video shows about half of the choir singing I Bought Me a Cat.  Bryce is hard to see since he is blocked by the piano and music teacher but I thought you might still enjoy it. 

Here is the whole choir singing God Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Bryce!! (and parents) :) I am soooo impressed. You know me and music, I am passionate about it of course and wish there were something like this here in Charleston for Alison!!!!! Y
