Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nagging & Daily Routines

I hate nagging Bryce about getting things done in the morning and at night.  You know those things. . . get dressed, brush teeth, make your bed, feed the dog, pick up your toys. . .oh, the list is long:)   I feel like I keep asking him over and over to get his responsibilities done.  Yes, I'm nagging.  Bryce hates it and so do I. 

Then we got a dry erase board.  I started writing his responsibilities on the board with a check box next to it.  Bryce likes it.  He still gets distracted and you have to ask him if everything is done on his checklist BUT he is starting to take ownership for things. 

However, writing the same items on the board everyday is repetitive so I decided to put it on paper in a page protector where he can mark it off with a dry erase marker.  The checklist is on a clipboard and Bryce gets to mark it off as we go. 

The goal is to create habits.  A habit like making his bed everyday.  The goal is that once these things are habits that Bryce won't need a checklist. 

Or we make a checklist for the next habit to instill:)  One thing at a time. . . .

1 comment:

  1. Working on this too!! I feel like I (we) are constantly nagging .. brush teeth ..brush hair..get shoes on.. I bought a great activity chart made for Alison with magnets of her major chores.. when she is finished with them she moves them over to the "finished" side. Worked a bit. But, unfortunately , it has kinda lost it's appeal over time..
